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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 32
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 32. Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood

Hector July 12th. 1792

My dear & honor'd Mother.

Jun 29, 1792 I have this Day with unspeakable Joy perused your's & my Sister Nessy's Letters of the 29th. for which I had long waited with the most anxious Impatience. — I am happy to find you have received all my Letters, in which I endeavoured to ease my dearest Mother's Mind as much as possible on my Account. Thanks be to God they have had that happy Effect! — I have written two or three from hence in which you will find the many Marks of Kindness & Friendship of Mr. Heywood & my Uncle Pasley which I have received — I there expressed my Desire that non of my relations might come here to see me, as they certainly will not be allowed that Privilege, & hope it may have prevented my dearest Sister Nessy from proceeding on so long a Journey which I am sure must end in Chagrin & Disappointment — 'tis impossible for her to wish more for such an Interview that I do, but it cannot be; & how disagreeable wou'd be her situation on her Arrival, unable to see me, the sole Object of a long & tedious Journey — Patience therefore is requisite for a Time!

I have not as yet received the Box you were so good to send me but 'twill most likely be here in a Day or two — I am sorry, very sorry to hear that poor little Henry is gone to sea — God help him! he like me knew not the Troubles he was soon to encounter. — I wish he was safe at Home again.

I cannot tell how soon my Trial will come on but we must wait with patience & resignation for the Time when I shall from the Load of Infamy I now bear — I have many Question to ask you, but shall be content with my present Knowledge till a more favorable Opportunity. — My best respects to Dr. Scott & all my other Friends, & praying that God may preserve the Health of my dearest Mother, Brothers, & Sisters I remain

her most obedient

  & ever dutiful Son

    Peter Heywood

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