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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 26

man that as we had eat hearty of the cakes that the soldier had brought us — we had better refrain from eating any thing more, as it would do us harm — the poor fellow said well sir I will not eat any [?] I now turn to and shave myself — this man had a very large black beard I said to come [? ?] you shave yourself — no sir. Come I said I take [care?] of your beard — and I turn'd too — I beleave that I made a face smooth in about Half an Hour — all this time I might have gone to the devil for my good friend Captn Bligh — after the water had flown — so that we could get the boat into the Harbour — two of Captn Spikermans sailors

came and assisted me to get her in — When I got in the second Governour Mr Wanjon was standing at his door and sent a man to the Boat — he the second Governour want'd to shout to one of the People that was in the Boat — I went to him myself — he ask me several Questions this a young man, that was a surgeon of one of the ships that laid in the Road a Mr [Berts?] who could speak very good English — I answer his Question, and he told the young man to ask me if would drink a glass of gin — this I was afraid to encounter with, but I told him that I would thank him for a glass of gin