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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 25

very well [?] this poor fellow said I will stay sir after we being left some time — a soldier came down to the Boat with a little of Tea and some small cakes — Smith and I soon put them under our Jackits — now I though[t] that some of the Dutch officers had sent them, I said to the poor soldier in Dutch as well as I could to tell those Gentlemen who sent us that [?], that I was much oliged to them — the man to my surprise spoke English, and said I brought myself — my father is an English man — and I like the English very well — when you come onshore come to my house the man[s] goodness brought a teer from my eye

soon after Captn Bligh sent and order'd all his things to be brough[t] onshore and orders that the Boat must as the water flow'd be brought into the Harbour — his things was put onshore and I haul'd the Boat of[f] to her Grapnel again — after two or three hours had elapse some of the Dutch People told Captn Spikerman — that there an officer in the Boat and one man — this good man was very much surprised as he thought every Body was at his House — order immedially order Tea and Bread to be sent to me and the man — we drank the Tea but I told the