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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 23

there was now as much danger in swamping the Boat as any time since we were turn'd a drift [?] obliged to carry sail, a hostile sea — to get in with the land — When we came into a sandy Bay — he came too but not near the shore — but twenty or thirty [?] we saw some smoke in a valley not far from us — as I could not swim I said to Captn Bligh if those that can swim take the small line onshore then we [? ?] go over board and hauld myself on shore the carpenter said Mr Fryer I will go with you — however as this was no[t] a plan of Mr Blighs, he would not encourage [it?] After I found that there no liklihood of landing here — I said that we had better [?] and run along shore — possible we might find

some better place before Night. it was then blowing very strong out at sea — We hauld the grapnel up and hauld the foresail and we steer'd for the westermost point of [land?] that was sight — when we came near the point we found that there was a Reef run off and the sea breaking very high on it — we therefore was obliged to steer a good way out to clear the Reef or the Breakers — when we came [?} the Reef, we found that there was a strong current setting out to the SE ward which caused the sea to turn very fast — at this time I was steering the Boat