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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 22

[?] Messrs Nelson and Peckover the only two that were his confidants — at last Captn Bligh said Mr Fryer what do you think of that land ahead. I said [was?] what I first thought it was, Islands Why did not you give your oppinion before — You must have heard me say sir that they was Islands when we first saw them, but as you did not ask me my oppinion — I did not think it proper to give it — hell sir, he said what is best to do now I said go in for the land that we have been running from — the boat was wore and brought on the other [Tack?] and the wind freshen'd [so?] very much [oblige?] us to reef the sails and the sea began to run pretty high and foul — Captn Bligh was in a great

Passion about my saying that my oppinion not been ask — he said sir I suppose that you will take the boat from me — I said no sir I despise your Idea, far from my intentions to take the Boat from you — but sir give me leave to tell you that life to me is sweeter than it have been yet since I left the ship — and sir I am not afraid that you would take the Boat from me I would soon cut you to pieces and a number of other provoking speeches in order that I might say nothing that he could take hold of — which he had done [a] number of times in the course of the Voyage