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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 21

I shall now refer the Reader to Captn Blighs Narritive untill [? ? ?] of June — when Captn Bligh say that he once more [?] himself that we were on the South part of the Island, but at ten oclock he say that we found the coast again in [clining/runing?] to toward the south [just?] [did?] [?] high land appeared to SW — but the weather was not so hazy but any Body might see that this SW high land was large Island[s] by them selves 6 or seven leagues distant from Timor but Captn Bligh order the man at the helm to steer for these SW high land — this conduct of Captn Blighs running of[f] from the land where we saw fires and every sign of getting relief made every one in the Boat rather uneasy — Captn Bligh never ask'd my oppinion

what I thought of the SW land, but I had said several times that it was Islands some distance from Timor — Mr Peckover said that they must be the Isls of [Roth?] as he remember'd when he was there with Captn Cook that they could see Timor. I was forward in the Boat looking at the Gentlemen and people said to me several times, Mr Fryer them are Islands, we are running off from the land — after all our suffering we shall get nowhere — or words to that effect. I told them that there was no danger that if Captn Bligh meant to go there that we should soon be over to them all this time Captn Bligh was in conversation