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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 20

they could find none that would burn — I made the Butcher Robt Lamb and Thos Hall the cook go with me we take one of the small [?] {Adzes?] cut down [a small?] tree that was [dry?] and not [?] — when I came back it was almost dark — I took a small piece of Fire out and said that I will make a fire in that other thicket not with any intention — to make a large Blaze, but that I might [lay?] warm. Mr Bligh say that he was down on the beach looking out and had left directions with Mr Peckover and his clerk about the fire. I do not recollect that either of them was on the spot — neither did I know that Mr Bligh had left any directions — I am

sorry to say that this is like some [o]ther mean tricks that Captn Bligh have commited the fire had not been lighted long before a spark flew out and [? ?] to some dry [brush/trash?] that was near — and it Blazed away very fast when Captn Bligh was very much alarm'd fearing the Natives should come and cut him to pieces — but I soon extinguish the Fire, by pulling up the dry grass before it — Captn Bligh say that the Reason of not catching Turtle was in consequence of the noise that was made, I do not recolect any Body making a noise but himself —