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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 19

I then said sir you will give me leave to [tell you?] how far I think you was wrong — me wrong sir Yes sir you wrong — You put yourself on a footing [with] the carpenter — when you took up a cutlass and told him to take another. if he had done so and cut you down - it is my opinion that he would have been Justifiable, in so doing — and told Captn Bligh that there other methods in making people do as they were ordered without fighting them, that he might rest assur'd that I would support himn in that as far as was in my power — by this time our oysters that were in the kettle was ready. When every man take his share and we got into the Boat & set sail Captn told us that he would have stay'd there longer but there was a somthing told him

that he had better not — for other particulars on Captn Bligh [?]

Jun 25?, 1789

June [25?]th — Toward noon Mr Bligh say Mr Nelson and his party return'd — I beg to tell the reader that I was one of the Party — Mr Nelson was taken very sick, so bad that Mr Peckover and my self was oblig'd to lead him — altho scarce able to lead ourselves — and bring what clams we had pick'd when after we had eat the stew that Captn Bligh speak of I laid myself down under the lee of some trees and fell asleep after I awak'd I went in search of some dry wood [?] the People told me that [? ?] by the [? ?]