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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 18

By God sir if you offer'd to tuch [touch] me I would cut you down — I said sir this is a very wrong time to talk of fighting — Captn Bligh said that man pointing at the carpenter — told me that he was as good a man as I am — the carpenter made answer when you calld me a scoundrel — I told you that I was not but as good a man as you in that respect and you said that you had brought us here I told you — that had it not been for you we should not have been here — well then Captn Bligh said, if you had not any meaning in what you — I ask your pardon and the matter ended this [?] happen in consequence of Captn

Bligh ordering the carpenter to hand his oysters [?] and the carpenter told him that they belong'd to his party — as agreed before they went out the Boat — as soon as this was over I set off to get some more oysters and soon return'd the tide having flow'd [?] [?] where the oysters were. When I came back Captn Bligh calld me to one side and said Mr Fryer I think that you behaved very improper — I told him I was very sorry [?] at the same time beg to know in what [way] he said in coming into the Boat and saying that you would put us under arrest