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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 2

Apr 30, 1789 Thursday 30th April — Fair Wr but blowing strong from the [?] we weighed and Row along shore — to see if anything could be got — we discover'd some cocoa-nut trees on the top of high precipices - and the surf on the shore was very high however several of those that could swim jump [?] Mr Tinkler the Boy and George Simpson were two of the first in the water — For my part I should have made but little progress in the water as I never learn'd to swim. those that went onshore — with much difficulty go[t] about twenty cocoa nuts — and we haul'd them thro the surf into the Boat. and those that was onshore swam off — and we return to the cove which we left in the morning — and each man had a cocoa nut served

to him — just before daylight, we attempted to get to Sea — in order to get to Annamook or Tongataboo the wind blowing so strong obliged us to return to our former station When every man had a small peice of bread and a Very little Rum — then every one land'd except myself and Thos Hall the cook — what happen'd on shore — I cannot say — I must refer the reader to Captn Blighs Narritive, as I wish to only write the truth to the best of my knowledge, and the best of my recollection as I had neither Ink or paper, Mr Bligh made all the necessary remarks — I steer'd and Rowed in the Boat as any other man — I do further say that there was