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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Launch Voyage - Page 1

I must return to the Boat — by the time we had close the land considerably — so that we could see apparently a [?] Bay — which we Row'd and sail'd for — we did not get in untill it was dark however we Row'd close in to see if there was any landing place — George Simpson jump'd overboard and swam onshore found that the surf ran so high and the shore rocky that we could not Land — therefore we kept off and on with our oars all Night — as there was no anchorage Every person was served half a pint of grog — happy I was that we had got in with the Land and had made the Narrow Escape of being thrown overboard —

In the Morning — at daylight we set off along shore in order to find a landing place — about 9 or 10 clock we

Row'd into a tiney cove at the NW part of the Island where we dropt the grapnel so that we could back the Boat stem in toward the Beach — when several went onshore — in search of supplies. Captn Bligh with several others — stay'd at the cove where they made a fire I with two men stay'd on the Boat — and kept her off at the Grapnel with a small line onshore for a beach rope — toward Noon the party return'd with a few quarts of water — which they found in holes of the Rocks — but found no spring — they saw some huts — which was signs of inhabitants being on the Island —

Tofoa the NW most Island of the Friendly Isles it Latd. from 19° 70′ to 19° 79′ S Longd