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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 16

Mr Cole told him to keep his heart up and not mind what had past — when Christain said to be count'd a thief was more than he could bear — but said if I was to take the [captain/bugger?] in my arms and jump overboard with him, it would be [a fine?] service or words to that effect, the day before the matter happend Christain had a small pig roasted — for their supping — when supper time came the pig was not to be found the youngsters in his Birth thought that some of the others from the opposite Birth had play'd them a trick and taken their pig — after the Lights was out — Mr Tinkler — my Brother in law, who Captn Bligh in his narritive call the Boy — I beleave thro' spite to me, Mr Tinkler was feeling behind one of the chests for his hat — and felt the pig in a

dirty cloths Bag of Mr Christains. he call'd out to his messmates that he found the Pig — they still though[t] that the Pig had been put there by some of the other party opposite — but from circumstances — I really suppose that Christain meant to leave the ship in one of the Boats had we abeen nearer to the Land — I like wise heard after being in the Boat some days that Christain was ask to dine with Captn Bligh but excused himself and I heard that all the Gentlemen had agreed not to dine with the Captn in consequence of his taking their cocoanuts — but when it came to the Point after Mr Christain had refused Mr Hayward accepted the offer which [?] was [?] by all the rest —