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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 15

Mr Cole the Boatn said we had better put off and take our chances — for they certainly will do some mischief if we stay much longer - several of them appeared to be drunk — which was really the case — Mr Bligh very readily agreed to cast the Boat off — there was Very little wind and we out oars and pull'd directly astern the Ship — the ship was steering WNW, and we ESE. our reason for so doing was that we should sooner get clear of them and out the reach of the Guns — after we though[t] ourselves clear - we got the Boats fore mast up and [up?] the sail — and rowed and saild for the Island of Tofoa — which at that time bore NE about 10 or 11 Leagues — a Very large Shark struck at one of the Oars —

It will very reasonably be ask— What could be the cause for such a revolt. in answer to which I can only say — that Christain was not particular attach to any woman at Otaheite. nor any of them except Mr Steward [Stewart] and James Morrison Boat'n Mate who were the only two that had there [their] particular Girls - [at least?] from what they said. I suppose that they did not like their captain — I was told since By Messrs Cole & Purcel that Christain the Night before we lost the Ship that Christain was crying forward and tearing some letters to pieces in the Fore chains said that he would not wish any Body to see his letters