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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 12

Mr Samuel, the clerk was all this time in Mr Bligh cabin, getting what things he could to put into the boat Mr Peckover and Mr Nelson were confin'd in the cabins down in the cockpit — I said to those People that was sentinels over me — let me go down into the cockpit - and speak to Mr Peckover - they said no — I told them that my going there could do them no harm at all — when Sumner said let Mr Fryer go down the others agree'd, and I went down. When I came down, Mr Nelson was with Mr Peckover in his cabin — to which place I went into — Mr Nelson said o Mr Fryer this is a very dispicable Circumstance — yes I said it is Mr Nelson —

Mr Peckover said What is best to do in [?] case I told that I had spoke to Captn Bligh telling him to keep [h]is spirits up that if I stayd onboard the Ship — I hope soon to follow him — and Mr Bligh had said stay by all means, Mr Fryer — Now I said to them — if ye are orderd into the Boat [?] that we stay — with them and if we stay I flatter myself that we shall recover the Ship Mr Peckover said if we stay — we shall all be thought Pirates — I told them no that I would answer for that The time that we were talking the cooper was in the bread room getting some bread to put into the Boat, this fellow I suppose must have heard