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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 13

our conversation — and had gone on deck and told Christain as I was order up to my cabin — when the People tole me that Mr Christain had consented to give Mr [Bligh] the Launch which I was very glad to hear — I then heard Christain say give every man a Dram out of Mr Blighs case — that was under arms. John Smith the Captn second was order to give every man a Dram — from this curious stance — gave me hopes if I stay'd that they would all soon get drunk — that two or three would retake the the [sic] ship — I then sit myself down in my cabin Building castles in the air — presumably Messrs Nelson and Peckover were order'd on deck, soon after myself when I came on deck, Christain said Mr Fryer —

going in the Boat — I said — I will stay with you — if you will give me leave — no Sir go into the Boat. Surely Mr Bligh was at that time on the gangway — without the [?] — and said aye Mr Fryer stay — no by God sir, Christain said go into the Boat or I will run you thro [?] this Bayonet & if my [?] I then said do let Mr Tinkler go with me — Churchill said not however by beging hard — Christain told me that he should go with me — that he should follow me — I got without the rail to Captn Bligh — seeing the Boat full of people — surprise'd me how those People should carry there [their] scheme so [?] with out being found out