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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 11

and said Martin one of the People who was under arms [abaft?] by the hen coops — was a friend and said to me [? ? ?] to knock Christain down — at the same time there was two men behind me with muskets & Bayonets fixd Christain at the same time must hear all this tho did not take any notice — I made a motion to get past Christain in order to speak to Martin who Captn Bligh had said was a friend — when Christain put his Bayonet to my head saying [?] if you advance one Inch further I will run you thro — and order the People to take me down — when I was going down at the Hatchway I met Morrison the Boatsn Mate & I said to him Morrison I hope you have no hand in this business & he said no Sir I dont know a word about it - I then said to him, hold yourself in readiness we may

have an opportunity to recover ourselves — his answer was Sir go down to your cabin, it is too late now - I was then past too my cabin — and a third sentinal put on which was John Millward, whom I thought seemd friendly. I winkd at him and made a motion to knock the Man down that was next to him, which was John Sumner — Millward immedially cock'd & pointed his piece at me saying dont wink or move any more Mr Fryer — he held his musket some time [?] that position. When I said to him Millward uncock your piece — you may shoot some body else — besides me — he then held his piece up — and said sir there is no one who wishes to shoot you — and Sumner made [?] no that was our agreement not to do any Murder —