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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 10

[? ?] when I came on deck Mr Bligh was [standing?] a baft the mizn mast with his hands tyed behind and Christain - hold of him bye the cord with one hand and a Bayonet in the other hand I said – Mr Christain – consider what you are about he said hold you tongue Sir I have been in hell for weeks passd you know Mr Fryer he said that Captn Bligh have brought this on himself — I told him that Mr Bligh and his not agreeing — did not say that he should take the ship from him — and I said put Mr Bligh down to his cabin — and I make no doubt but

we shall be all friends again soon — he said hold your tongue sir it is to late [?] and treating me if I said any more — but I said Mr Christain as you will not grant what I first ask you — do for God sake give Mr Bligh a better Boat than the Jolly Boat [which?] Bottom is almost out and let him have a chance of getting onshore — he said no that Boat was good enough — I wisperd Captn Bligh to keep [his?] heart up that if I stayd by the ship — I hope to follow him soon — Mr Bligh said by all means [? ? ?]