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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 5

then said Mr Fryer we heave the anchor up — and go away — after the anchor was up — I was on the Forecastle seeing the Anchor stow'd — we had hoist'd the fore topmast Staysail and the ship was easting. two hands up loose the Foretopsail, when I hear Mr Bligh call out Hand the arms up — I run aft to see what was the matter when Mr Bligh saluted me with, Why dont you come to assist me Sir — I told him I did not know he wanted any Assistance — only hearing you ask for the arms led me to think that something was the matter. Get the Arm up Sir. I'll keep those fellows and see if I cant get the Grapnal — the arms was handed up very soon — and — four of the Chiefs was confin'd — while one Chief went onshore to look after the

grapnail — glad he was to get onshore. I heard some of our people say that after the Chief got into his canoe he made signs that the grapnail was carried to another Island — mean while we were under arms as some of the people was rather awkward, when Mr Bligh Made a speech to them told them, they were all a passel of good for nothing Rascals — that he him self would [?] them all —. he kept those poor miserable fellows onboard untill we found this was not a possibility of the recovering the grapnail — there was several large canoes followd us full of People making sad lamentations for their Chiefs — Mr Bligh at last made those poor fellows presents