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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 6

and releast them, then [?] saw [? ? ? ?] that there was some hopes of getting their people back they cut their heads with their [?] the blow you hear a considerable distance. The Blood run down their faces steady — a Melancholy sight to see — Lucky for Mr Bligh that — he did not get to Annamooka in the Boats. After the Chiefs was gone — he made sail — steer'd to the Northward all night toward Tofoa — in the morning — when Mr Bligh came on Deck — he sent for me — and said Mr Fryer dont you think that those cocoanuts are shrunk since last Night I told him that they were not so high as they were last night, as I had them stowd up to the

Rail but the people might have pull them down — in walking over them in the Night — he said no that they had been taken away — and that he would find out who had taken them and emmedially order the Master at Arms to see every nut that was below on Deck. Every Body he repeated several times — after all the nuts was on Deck — that ownd them — when Mr Bligh began. Who are these. When the owner answer which was Mr Young — How many nuts did you have, so many Sir. & How many did you [eat?] he did not know but [there?] was the [remainder?]