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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 4

[?-?] [? ?] into the water — meanwhile some of the Natives — stole the grapnail — when I came to the Boat and learn what had happen'd I applyd to several of the Chiefs that was there — in order to recover the grapnail — when I found by evening that it had been taken by some people of another Island and the canoes had gone away — I then went off with the Boats and told Mr Bligh what had happen'd — he was very warm about the loss of the grapnail and said that he would have it again or he would detain some of [the] Chiefs onboard untill it was brought back. I told him that I thought it was not worth our while trouble those poor fellows about it that was onboard as

they would not know anything about it. and as we had several more onboard and plenty of Iron to make more if we should want. therefore our loss was not very great Mr Blighs answer was — the loss not very great Sir by God Sir if it is not great to you it is great to me. I told him that I was sorry we had lost the Grapnail - but it was of no use — we cleard the Boats and hoisted them in — after which Mr Bligh told me that any Body that wished to buy any [?] had leave — and then turn [?] to the Gunner — to purchasing things and [said?] dont [?] what you [?]