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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny - Page 3

[?-?] [place?] about [?-?] [? the?] Boat with him and saw [?-?] in and then took Quintal with me to [?-?] [?] I had not gone far when I met the man & woman — who I saw at first [landing?] they were very [serious?] — for me to go with them making signs [?] — I gave the woman a [?] and two or three small [nods?] — and left them walking before a number of the Natives soon after I parted from those friends Quintal calld out Mr Fryer there a man going to knock you down with his club — I turn myself round rather surprised — when I saw the Man Brandishing His club over my head — but as soon he found that I knew his intentions he set off into the

Plantations — I was not armd even with a stick — when I came to the watering place Mr Christain was getting the water filld as fast as he could — but there was a number of the Natives about him some heaving stones frequently. and one Chief with a very long spare [spear] — frequently point'd at Mr Christain — who was arm[ed] with a musket & Bayonet — I then orderd Mr Christain to get the casks down to the Boat quikly as fasbl — I gave some of the Natives several small Nails — and they [?] rolling the casks to the Boat. The time that I was away the people on the cutter instead of complying with my orders in keeping the Boat off with their oars — had let the grapnail go