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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny — Page 2

any thing untill he had got what he wanted for the ship. [?] I told him that no one should — he appointed Mr Peckover, gunner, to purchase every thing that could be got—, twenty left — emp'd getting wood Apr 20, 1789 and water — on the 20th in the morning Mr Bligh order me to take the large cutter and go onshore and Hurry Mr Christain up with the Launch when I came on shore there was only two men at the Boat the rest was up with Mr Christain at the watering Place which was ¼ of a mile from the waterside I landed among a very great number of the Natives — who behav'd very friendly. among them

a good looking young man & woman that seemd to me to be Chiefs — I ask the People that were in the Launch which way I should go to the watering place. they pointed out the way to me as there was a number of small lanes between their plantations — this Man & woman took me by the arm and pointed out the way that I must go put their hands to their mouth in a sign of drinking. I then gave orders to the People that were in the Boat to lay off on their oars untill I should come back — I had not gone far when I met Matthew Quintal one of the launches crew rolling a cask of water down to the Boat