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Revised May 19 2021

John Fryer's Narrative of the Mutiny

Apr 4, 1789

We sail'd from Otaheite on the 4th of April 1789 having on board the bread fruit plants — &c as Lieu't Bligh mention in his narrative.

Apr 9, 1789
Apr 11, 1789

On the Ninth of April we were off Huheine where we had a number of the Natives off in their canoes with coconuts &c — and on the 11th he discovered an Island in the Lat. 10° 51′S Long. about 160°W call'd by the Natives OWhytootackee

Apr 28, 1789

On the 28th of April — we were working the ship to exercise the People — in case we should come into any difficultys — among the

Friendly Isles or on the coast of New Holland — When in working the ship Mr Bligh & Mr Christain had some words — When Mr Christain told Mr Bligh — Sir your abuse is so bad that I cannot do my Duty with any Pleasure — I have been [in] hell for weeks with you. Several other disagreeable words past which had frequently been the case in the course of the Voyage.

Apr 24, 1789

On the 24[th] we anchor'd at Annamooka one of the friendly Isles, where we got some wood and water and a great Quantity of Yams. Mr Bligh [said?] on our arrival at this Place that no one was to Purchase