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Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, St. Helens, Dec 10, 1787

Bounty at St. Helens Dec'r.
10th. 1787.    

Dear Sir,

Dec 6, 1787

I have received the favor of your letter dated the 6th Inst't. and shall at all times most seriously thank you for your very kind endeavors to serve me. I can only say the chief pleasure I had to undertake and now have to perform this Voyage is knowing you to be concern'd in it and I should be sorry the success of it should be riskd with any other person.

I had supposed from the polite manner Lord Howe behaved to me when I took leave of him that I stood a fair chance of promotion the first time there was any, and as I presum'd to consider with respect to service Mr. Moorsom's situation and mine nearly similar, I look'd for it only at the time of his advancement which now I am told has taken place, and is certainly a violation of all justice with respect to me, who they have now kept, to pass a remote part of the Globe at an unseasonable time of the year from mere neglect, and myself may be subject to blame for what no Man can accomplish. This is a glaring circumstance to every one.

The Person you have been so good as to endeavor to get me as Surgeons Mate was not here when the order came, but on the Nymph being paid off a Mr. Ledward entered with me as Ab and has a good share of medical knowledge.

The Weather is still very unfavorable and has no appearance of a change but the very first opportunity I shall sail.

I am with much gratitude Dear Sir Your obliged and affect. Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

I had wrote on a half sheet without knowing it

Sir Joseph Banks Bart.

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