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Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, St. Helens, Dec 12, 1787

Bounty at St. Helens
Dec'r. 12. 1787. 

Dear Sir,

I write this to acquaint you that I am exceeding sorry I troubled you with a wrong peice of information. The Ariel is arrived here and Mr. Moorsom not made, but I conceived it to be so true that being sensible of your goodness I thought it best to acquaint you of it. The Wind is fixed and blows so very hard from the westward that it is impossible to get down Channel.

I learnt from a Ship from a Amenis[?] yesterday that they have had nothing but westerly winds, and that they saw several West Moin men who left on the last easterly Winds who could not weather C. Finister so that upon the whole I should not have been much farther advanced in my Voyage. A great many Ships have put back & are now lying wind bound. I remain Dear Sir with much gratitude and respect your obliged

& affectionate Hmble Servt. Wm Bligh