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Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Spithead Dec 6, 1787

Bounty at Spithead    
Thursday Dec'r. 6. 1787 at
6 in the morning    

Dear Sir,

The Wind is now come from the Northward and shall be clear to Sea in a few hours if I am so fortunate as to have it continue. If I am not heard of in the year 89 I would have you conceive that from being too late in the season to get round Cape Horn I had proceeded to the C. Good Hope, but I do not by any means wish to infer that I think it will not be in my power to get round C. Horn, on the contrary I am certain I can accomplish it. At any rate I have no doubt to complete the Voyage to your satisfaction.

I wrote to you yesterday as I thought I might be detained here much longer and acquainted you of some promotions, an account of which was sent from the Admiralty to an Officer at this place. I have to appologize to you for this as I am perfectly happy and sensible you will not forget me but my motive was that in case it had not been known to you it could give no claim in a promotion on a future occasion & my next particular inducement was that one step would make a material difference to Mrs. Bligh and her children in case of any accident to me. This principally led me to mention the circumstance. I feel every degree of gratitude for your goodness & attention and wishing you Dear Sir a most perfect enjoyment of health I remain most sincerely your

Affectionate Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

1 o'Clock the Wind threatens to be again foul