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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Spithead, Dec 5, 1787

Wednesday 5th. Dec'r 1787
Bounty at Spithead 


Altho I troubled you with a letter on the day of my being put back here I cannot refrain again writing to you as I feel happy, while I think you will with pleasure hear any accounts of the Bounty. The Weather is still unfavorable and wind contrary but I hope a short time will set me clear of the land with a favorable Wind. I am sorry I perservered too much in our last attempt, for I have my Master & Gunner laid up with Rheumatick complaints but a fine NE Wind will get the better of that, and I am glad to say I feel little the effect of bad weather on myself. The season is now very late however Dear Sir I will complete the Voyage one way or the other. We had accounts to day from the Admiralty of the promotion of near twenty Lieuts. I have therefore mention'd it to you as I hope my claim will in every respect stand good. I shall write to you again if the Wind comes any way fair I shall always with great respect remain

Sir Your most Affectionate Hmble Servt. Wm Bligh

I have got a Mr. Ledward with me out of the Nymph Capt Bertie's Surgeons Mate.