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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Spithead, Dec 3, 1787

Bounty at Spithead
Dec'r. 3'd. 1787


Having met with contrary winds and bad weather since my sailing, I was not able to get farther than 7 leagues West of the Isle Wight. The Weather being very thick & the wind at West I thought it not consistent with the good of the Voyage to persist in keeping any longer at Sea at this hazardous period of the year, & therefore came through the Needles & anchored. The wind blows still fresh at WSW which gives one much uneasyness knowing how late I am, which if I was ever so negligent would be a severe Spin to get me clear of the Channel where one unfortunate Gale may render all our plans abortive, but if there is any possibility of my getting away you may rely on my utmost exertion. I am Dear Sir with respect you obliged and affectionate Hmble servant

Wm Bligh