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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Spithead, ca Nov 26, 1787

Dear Sir

I have now just time to take my farewell of you. I should have sailed yesterday but as my friend Lord Hood set off for Town unexpectedly I lost also all friendly assistance. I wanted four Men of my complement which in applying for to Ad'l. Drake I met with every obstacle but at last accomplished it. He has been ill in bed & with letters & messages to him I spent all Monday & Tuesday, but those days the wind was not so favorable as it now is & I hope will carry me through the Channel. I laid in 25 Cheldron of coals for the use of the Plants & Forge which Mr. Stephens promised me to get allowed provided I got a president for it, which I have since found & sent to him. I have sollicited Mr. Nepean & him on this head as my expence has been great in fitting out, but if they should object to it I shall be much obliged to you Sir to point out the fairness of it as C. Cook & Clerk were allowed five times the quantity. Allow me Dear Sir to wish to you the most perfect enjoyment of health and to remain your most obliged

and Affectionate Hmbl Serv't Wm Bligh

If you please to present my compliments to Mr. Dalrymple.

I had got a Person to go out Surgeon Mate & to be rated Ab but Ad'l. Drake could not discharge him into my Ship and I am going without one