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Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Spithead, Nov 24, 1787

Bounty at Spithead
Nov'r. 24th 1787


Nov 19, 1787

I was much rejoiced at being favored with your letter of the 19th. Ins't. This afternoon My Lord Hood gave to me my final orders. To morrow being Sunday is a day lost, and I fear there is a probability that the Commissioners will not pay the seamen the two Months advance before Tuesday. Wednesday in that case will be the day I shall sail provided the Wind is any way fair & weather moderate.

Happy as I am Sir with your good wishes I feel all hopes of success in my undertaking and it must be severe difficulties indeed to counteract my intentions for the good of the Voyage. All accidents within the scope of human foresight shall be garded against with every degree of attention, and I trust to be able to accomplish my passage through the different parts at such favorable seasons, that my Valuable Cargo will suffer but little or no injury. I shall particularly attend to your desired collection at Falkland Islands, for I see no reason at present to alter the plan of touching there particularly and seem to be approved of by you. I have taken care to provide Arsenic and that all other necessary things are on board for Nelson's use.

I shall write to you when I get under way and leave my letter on board one of the Ships to be forwarded. This is not therefore the last time I have to assure you Sir I am with the greatest respect

Your obliged and Affectionate Hmble Serv't Wm Bligh