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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Spithead, Nov 18, 1787

Bounty at Spithead
Nov'r. 18th. 1787 


Since my last letter to you wherein I told you of my arrival here, I have been anxiously expecting my orders. To see so fine a Wind expending itself and so late in the season as I am, has given me much uneasyness, and it will be particularly hard, if instead of some good reason for detaining the Ship, it has been owing to her being forgot that the orders have not been sent down for me to go to Sea.

As I now hope you are in Town it gives me great satisfaction to think there will be no unnecessary delay. I have only to pay my People two months advance as that cannot properly be done untill my orders are down. Admiral Hood has me now under his command, he has been very Polite to me & says he will befreind us in any thing that lies in his power and and that he has wrote to the Admiralty & enclosed my weekly accounts. I wrote to the Admiralty on my arrival & have received an answer that their Lordships had got my letter, so that there is nothing left undone by me. We are all in good health & Spirits and I have no doubt of our continuing so.

Immediately on receiving my orders I shall with great pleasure acquaint you of it.

I beg Dear Sir to remain with the utmost respect your most obliged and very affec't.

Hmble servant Wm Bligh