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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 111, Jan 1-Feb 20, 1857

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.


Jan 1, 1857

Jany 1st
Frederick Young, Isaac Christian & John Adams reelected chief magistrate and councillors Between the close of last night and the dawn of this morning the cattle made entrance into the Cascade garden & did much damage

Jan 13, 1857

" 13th
Blowing a gale from the S.E. with continual rain, the time have arrived for planting sweet potatoes. As this is first rainy weather we have had for some weeks past; so our fears for the future will be greatly diminished. Yesterday afternoon the flagstaff at the [?] on account of its rottenness was taken [down?] and some time last night the topmast of the telegraph at Government House was broken off in the middle by the violence of the weather.

Jan 14, 1857

" 14th.
All the men went early this morning to plant sweet potatoes.

Jan 18, 1857

" 18th.
Rachel Evans suffering so much from Asthmatic affections that at times her life is despaired of.

Feb 3, 1857

Feby. 3rd.
John Augustine son of John & Elizabeth Buffett born.

Feb 7, 1857

" 7th
Moderate weather, succeeded in getting up a new flagstaff at the pier.

Feb 12, 1857

" 12th
Henry Charles Davy son of David & Martha Buffett born.

Feb 20, 1857

" 20th
Completed a fence extending from the [?] landing place to Collins [Head?], nearly three miles distance, for the purpose of confining the cattle at one place of the Island, and the [place?] fenced in for cultivation.

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