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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 109, Dec 22-Summary, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

went to see what was the matter when they found the poor little thing lying, partly under the door, and quite insensible. She was taken home to her parents and the Rev. Mr. Nobbs immediately sent for, but all his endeavours were useless. The injuries received were too severe for Medical aid, and at 5 P.M. the poor little sufferer ceased to exist. This is the [first?] fatal accident since our arrival.

Dec 22, 1856

Decem 22nd.
Arrived HMS. "Herald" 18 days from Sydney & bound to the Fijee group, with dispatches from the Gov. [?] to the Chief Magistrate. The "Herald" had on board Mr. & Mrs Binner as passengers to the Fijee Islands. They landed at noon & passed the evening very pleasurably with the community at the singing school.

Dec 23, 1856

" 23rd.
Sailed HMS "Herald".

Dec 25, 1856

" 25th.
Francis Mason Nobbs married to Harriett Augusta Quintal & John Quintal jun married to Dinah Evans.

Summary of the year 1856

We have this year commenced a new era in our history. Changes great & many has passed over us & if possible the finger of Providence may be more clearly discerned as [?] & encouraging us on in the right way. By the Mercy & [goodness?] of this same Divine Providence we, after leaving a home [(]the memory of which shall ever be fondly cherished "while [?] & breath & being last.") were permitted to traverse the depths of the boundless sea to encounter its many [dangers?] & to arrive at last in safety at our destined home.

Many of our number who where alive when our [move?] to this place was first projected are now no more.

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