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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 103, Aug 20-Sep 7, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

some irish potatoes given us by the Bishop of New Zealand. Some corn have also been put into the ground but it is doubtful whether it will germinate having been greatly injured by weevils. It is very certain that unless we [get?] additional supplies from Sydney or some other place we shall soon be in a bad plight; on our arrival there was not a vegetable to be had nor any planted all the sweet potatoes had been consumed and no preparation made for a new crop, so that we cannot now plant for want of means. We could not bring yams with us as they were mot fit for digging when we left and the few sweet potatoes which remained after our passage will not produce any for consumption for the next twelvemonth. The Gove[r]nor of New South Wales wrote to us saying we should find five months provisions stored for us on the island. That by the time it would be consumed we shall obtain a crop if we planted directly on our arrival but we could obtain nothing scarcely to plant, and what few sweet potatoes we have it being the winter season, have nearly all died off.

Aug 20, 1856

Aug 20th.
John Bayles Heastey son of John & Caroline Adams born

Sep 4, 1856

Sept. 4th
At 3 P.M. a sail was anounced in sight off the Cascades. By evening it was ascertained to be a schooner no doubt the [?] "Southern Cross."

Sep 5, 1856

" 5th.
The schooner off the settlement early this morning had the flag of peace flying at the main; one of our canoes went on board: it being somewhat rough the schooner went [on?] to Cascades; where the Bishop landed being pulled on shore by a crew of Solomon Island natives. The understanding and obeying every direction of the good Bishop with alacrity so rapidly had he acquired an influence over them for [?] In the evening he examined a class of catechismers preparing to confirmation

Sep 6, 1856

" 6th.
The Bishop busily engaged examining the different classes for confirmation.

Sep 7, 1856

" 7th.
This has been indeed a red letter day & may be justly [?]

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