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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 102, Jul 5-Aug 1, 1856

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1856 continued

with him. Mr. P. was lodged at the house of the Rev. G. H. Nobbs and after supper the community assembled there & remained some hours engaged in edifying conversation & singing, which greatly pleased the Rev. Gentleman.

Jul 5, 1856

July 5th.
The weather this morning being fine the Rev. Mr. Pattieson returned on board, & the Bishop & Mrs. Selwyn came on shore. We as may be supposed gave them a hearty welcome & Government House being vacant it was appropriated to their use during their stay. In the evening our people assembled at the Bishops residence and were much pleased to find that a Bishop could condescend to men of low estates.

Jul 6, 1856

" 6th.
Sacrament Sunday. After service the Sunday scholars were assembled for the first time since our arrival. The Bishop took one class Mrs. Selwyn another, and Mr. Harper a protege of the Bishop's took a third. The other classes were attended by their usual teachers. The classes gave entire satisfaction, in the evening many of our people went to listen to the Bishops very instructive conversation.

" [?]
By request the Bishop performed Divine service and then prepared to take his departure, Mrs. Selwyn not enjoying good health is to remain with us until his return. Mrs. Selwyns instructions and example will be of much service to our girls. The landing at the pier being rugged the vessel was telegraphed round to the Cascade. Many of our people accompanyed the Bishop down and the vessel being very close to the shore, they were invited to go on board. Towards evening our people returned on shore, and the "Southern Cross" pursued her errand of mercy. May the apostolic endeavours of the Bishop be crowned with success

Jul 27, 1856

" 27th.
Lucy Emily daughter of Charles & Lucy Christian born

Jul 29, 1856

" 29th.
Arabella Amy daughter of Philip & Sarah McCoy born

Aug 1, 1856

Aug. 1st.
During the past month our people have been busily employed tending sheep, driving in cattle, repairing fences & planting

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