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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 73, Feb 14-15, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

1854 continued

to permit of keeping the blankets on him. My anxiety was now that the apperients [aperients] should open and in half an hour after removed from the bath did operate most freely, and the symptoms soon became more favourable, he perspired freely, the pain gradually removed from his neck, and the spasms became few and far between, although not much diminished in force. Gave a grain of opium, at four o'clock and he obtained a few minutes sleep. Started from his sleep by a spasm which caused him to sit bolt upright in bed. Complained of pain in the calf of his leg & hip but no higher. Tied a handkerchief tightly round his leg below the knee which gave him much [?] fell asleep again, and slept nearly an hour and awoke much refreshed. No pain except in the leg below the knee and cramp in the calf & toes. At [?] got another leg bath ready and immersed the [?] for thirty minutes, replaced him on the bed dressed the foot with an emollient poultice administered a grain of opium with a pint of mint tea, and the gracious interposition of our Heavenly Father he passed a comfortable night. I stopped there all night, as did many others who divided themselves into watches ready for any emergency.

Feb 15, 1854

Feb. 15th
Cloudy weather. Thermometer 75° at 5 A.M. nearly every body gone up the hill to manufacture sugar from the Ti root. the Sick man is much better this morning, but complains of cramp in the calf of his leg: administered a dose of calomel with a small[?] quantity of jalap to obviate the constipating [?]

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