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Revised Jun 24 2021

Pitcairn Island Register - Page 72, Feb 14 cont, 1854

Births  Marriages  Deaths  &c. &c.

a bit of lint wetted with turpentine and placed over all a pumpkin poultice as an emollient. Went to school and remained there untill 1 o'clock. After school returned to the house of the patient, found him with a flushed & anxious countenance complaining of increased pain along the whole spine and the stiffness of the neck had increased. Opened the wound and found that it had but slightly suppurated introduced a couple of drops of turpentine and spread a rag moistened with turpentine over the top of the foot. The spasmodic contractions increasing in frequency and force so much so that at times he would start from a recumbent position to a sitting one without the slightest premonition. Administered ten grains of calomel combined with ten grains of jalap with the view of obtaining a free passage through his bowels, without much hope of succeeding, knowing from sad experience how obstinately restive such patients are. Made a strong bath of wood ashes and water and placed the wounded foot in it. The water was as hot as he could bear it (hotter than I could bear my hands in for any length of time) the lye was kept up to this temperature and the foot remained in it forty minutes, during this process he fainted twice, but for a very short time, and several times he suffered severely from spasmodic attacks. The news had now spread through the town, and the Magistrate, his brother & some of the [?] came in very opportunely as help was wanted to place him on the bed; when laid on the bed, gave him a pint of hot & strong mint tea & covered him up with blankets, with a view of causing profuse perspiration but the spasms though not so frequent were too[?] violent

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