Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter: Consul General John White, Jun 24, 1833

“British Consulate,
Valparaiso,June 24th, 1833.

“Sir,—I have the honour to enclose a copy of a letter I received yesterday from a Mr. Joshua Bill, residing upon Pitcairn’s Island, complaining of some English men resident here, creating dissentions among the natives, and requesting they may be taken from the island Whether Mr. Joshua Hill has any authority from His Majesty’s Government to interfere with the affairs of the island, I am not informed; but, knowing that His Majesty’s Government takes a warm interest in the welfare of these people of Pitcairn’s Island, I submit His request to your Lordship’s consideration, presuming that you have the power to exercise your authority in this particular case.

“I have the honour, &c, &c.,
“(Signed.) J. WHITE,
His Majesty’s acting Consul General.

“To Rt. Hon. Lord J. Townshend, &c.”