Pitcairn Island - the early history

Revised Jun 19 2021

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Brodie's Pitcairn's Island
Letter: Captain James Townshend, Jun 27, 1833

“H. M. S. Dublin,
“27th June, 1833.

“Sir,—I transmit the copy of a letter from His Majesty’s Consul General for Chili, with its enclosure, stating the complaint of a Mr. Joshua Hill, who it appears is a resident on Pitcairn’s Island The Consul General’s letter was delivered to me, after the ship was under weigh at Valparaiso, on the 23rd inst.; so that I had no opportunity of making any further inquiry of him on this subject; and, as I have never before heard of the circumstances, all I can now do is to transmit the correspondence to you, with a remark, that this adds one more to the list of grievances, which appears to me (and which I have often repeated to Sir Thomas Baker) to call for the appearance of one of H. M. ships among the islands of the Pacific.

“I have the honour to be, &c., &c.,
“(Signed.) J. TOWNSHEND.
“Captain and Senior Officer.

“To Rear Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Commander &c., &c”