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Revised May 23 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jun. 20-21, 1789

Remarks in Coupang 20th and 21st June 1789

Wind and Weather as yesterday and a Charming fine Air. Myself and some others still continue very weak, but upon the whole the generality of us are gathering Strength very fast.

I receive the kindest enquiries from Mr. Van Este how we are going on, and the most constant personal attention from Mr. Wanjon. A genteel Table is always kept for me, and every person is fed in a plentifull manner.

On Sunday morning for the first time I found myself able to go out, I therefore directed every one to go to church where I attended to return thanks to Almighty God for his late gracious protection and preservation of our lives. The chapel is exceedingly neat and the Congregation consisted of about 50 persons most of whom were Malays.

In General the Malay language is spoken here and the church service in the afternoon is always read by a Malay.

The peculiar civility of Mr. Wanjon obliged me to dine with him to day, and through him as Mr. Van Este's extreme ill health renders him incapable, I am to transact all business.

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