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Revised May 23 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Jun. 19, 1789

Remarks in Coupang Friday 19th June 1789

Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes with Calms.

Every person is now beginning to recover except myself. Great weakness and Fever still hangs about me which keeps me confined. A little sago is the only thing my Stomach can bear.

Cold meat or Fish with Rice for Breakfast. Broth and Boulie and other meat stewed as variously dressed for Dinner and nearly the same for Supper is the common way that every one is fed.

I ordered every one to be supplied to day with Slops, such as could be got at this place but all are at a great price at least one hundred per Cent dearer than at Batavia. Their situation however made it necessary to take them at any price.

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