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Revised Jun 10 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 14, 1789

Wednesday, May. 13, 1789

1:00 pm Fresh Breezes and cloudy. This afternoon got our cloaths tolerably dry

6:00 pm Served 1/24 of a pound of Bread and a Jill of water for Supper to each person

8:00 pm Wind freshening and Shipping water so that we are all wet again.

Thursday, May. 14, 1789

12:00 am Cold and wet.

6:00 am Saw Islands. O from SWBS 8 leagues a P NWBW¾W 6 leagues Q the largest with two remarkable Hills WBS¾S 7 leagues and a Smaller Island with a high Sugar Loaf Peak W¾S 4 or 5 leagues.
Served 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for Breakfast.

12:00 pm Open Cloudy Weather. The Sugar Loaf Peak and Island P in one at S½E distant from Island P 4 leagues. Island Q SSW½W. We now discovered a rocky Key NWBN 4 leagues and another Island R West about 8 leagues the whole being Six in number. Land fertile and woody. Island O not in sight. Steered for Island R.
Served 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for Dinner.


Constantly shipping water and very wet suffering much cold and shivering in the night. Served the usual allowance of 1/24 pound Bread and a Jill of water three times a day.

At 6 In the Morning I discovered Islands from SWBS 8 leagues to NWBW¾ 6 leagues which I soon after found to be four all of them high and remarkable. At Noon I discovered a Rocky Key NWBN 4 leagues and another Island West 8 leagues so that the whole were 6 in Number, the four I had first seen bearing from S½E to SWBS distant 3 leagues from the nearest Island.

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