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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, May 11, 1789

Sunday, May. 10, 1789

1:00 pm Fresh Gales and very Squally and a high Sea so that it is seldom we can keep our course which is West. Hands constangly bailing.

6:00 pm Served 1/24 pound of Bread and a Jill of water for Supper.

Monday, May. 11, 1789

12:00 am Very cold and wet constantly shipping water and bailing. Carefully attending the Run of the sea, sometimes steering WSW to make up for our being obliged to keep before it to the NW.

6:00 am Cold and wet served a teaspoonfull of Rum and a morsel of Bread for Breakfast. Limbs Crampt.

8:00 am Hard Gale. Sea running frequently over our Stern and our Situation highly dangerous.

12:00 pm Ditto Wather Sun just shewed itself at Noon. Served a ½ ounce of Pork & 1/24 pound Bread & 1 Jill of water for Dinner to each person. I run many courses from WSW to NW but I have only put down the mean of the whole as I cannot be more exact.


Strong Gales and very Squally Weather with a high breaking Sea, so that we are miserably wet and suffer great cold in the night. In the morning at day break I served to every person about a teaspoonfull of Rum. Our Limbs being so crampt as scarce to feel the use of them. Our situation was now highly dangerous the Sea frequently running over our Stern which kept us bailing with all our Strength. At noon the Sun appeared which gave us as much pleasure as in a Winter day in England. Our miserable allowance as yesterday.

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