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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 19, 1789

Saturday, Apr. 18, 1789

1:00 pm Fair Weather.

2:00 pm Many Tropic Birds about & Fish. Caught a fish which was called a King fish, but it was very dry and poor eating.

6:00 pm In 1st Reefs.

8:00 pm Fresh Gales and fair Weather.

9:00 pm The Islands to the Eastward of Anamoka & reefs I consider to lie in Latitude 20°23′S, 185°30′ East. Anamoka in Latitude 20°16′S, 185°11′ East as I determined it by Observations in 1777.

Sunday, Apr. 19, 1789

3:00 am A little Squally.

7:00 am Served fresh Pork and Tarro.

8:00 am Mustered all Hands to their Stations and Saw them Clean and I afterwards exercised them at Manœuvring the Ship.

12:00 pm Dark Gloomy Weather just after Observation. Handed Main Sail and Double Reefed the Topsails.

Remarks: East of Anamoka Isles N83°W 117 Miles by Time Keeper.

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