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Revised May 22 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Apr. 18, 1789

Friday, Apr. 17, 1789

1:00 pm Fine Weather.

2:00 pm Employed this day repairing Hammocks. Cleaning below. Getting the Boats furniture in Order and Exercising at Small Arms.

6:00 pm At Sun Set Saw Savage Island W½N from the Top Gallant Mast head (i.e.) 5 hours 45'.

8:00 pm In 1st Reefs and Steering Sails.

11:00 pm At 11 hours 20'. The Center of the Island bore N¾W 3 leagues off Shore.

Saturday, Apr. 18, 1789

4:00 am Out Reefs.

8:00 am Fair Weather and hazy. Served fresh Pork & Plantains to all hands. This is the last of our Plantains.

12:00 pm Fair Weather and pleasant Trade. Several Tropc Birds and Man of War Birds seen. Some Flying fish and others.

Remarks: East of Anamoka Isles by Account S77°W 190 Miles.


Just at Sunset we discovered Savage Island from the Top Gallant Mast head which was as I expected from the Situation I was in at Noon by my Observation and Time Keeper.

As I thought it not worth my while to lay by for it untill the Morning I steered to the Southward of the Island the Center of which at 11 hours 20′ bore true North, from whence I fix its Latitude to be 19°02′S and Longitude 190°18′E by Time Keeper, and 190°28′ by observation.

This is the second time I have seen this Island but each time has been in the night. It cannot therefore be supposed I can say anything of its appearance. It however has always shewn itself remarkably flat, and it is evident we have only seen it at first 10 leagues distant from the Top Gallant Mast head, altho the weather remarkably fine and clear. When I was abreast of it, altho not more than 3 leagues off, it was not (comparatively Speaking) five feet above the Horizon.

The Observations I have been able to make reduced to this day at 19 hours 52′ are as follows

Time when1789 Longitude by
Time Keeper
Correction to
be applied
Longitude at 19 hours 52′
on the 18th Instant
195 59 33189 58 47
16th193 22 13193 26 35__3 45 07189 41 48
193 41 04189 55 57
17 191 31 07191 32 13__1 54 01189 31 12
191 44 55189 50 54
18th189 37 06189 42 57189 42 57
Mean Longitude from all the Observations189 47 63
Longitude by Time Keeper189 37 06
Time Keeper less than Observation=__ 9 57 W

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