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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Toahroah Harbour

Toahroah Harbour Oparre

This is a most excellent and secure Harbour, the value of which has not untill now been known from an Idea that Matavai Bay would be always sufficiently safe and commodious. It has happened however, and perhaps fortunately, that I have discovered it to be directly the contrary, for no European Ship ever was here at the same season, I mean in the Month of November, December, January, February and March. But of the weather I shall speak seperately after I have given my description of this and another Harbour to leeward called Taowne.

The Harbour of Toahroah has but a narrow and rather intricate entrance. I would therefore as a grand part of my direction reccommend a Stranger to Anchor first at Matavai and go in his Boat to have a general Idea of it. I shall however as far as it is possible make my description so clear as to render him capable to take the Harbour without such pains, altho I consider them preparatory to the business.

The East and which is also the North point of the Harbour lies from Point Venus S42½W by Compass distance 2½ miles. The West Head of Tarra is nearly midway, from which stretches about WBS almost to Oparre Reefs a narrow Coral Bank, on some parts of which I found only 3 fathoms water, altho I have an Idea it is in some places Shoaler. I run over this Bank without knowing it, but it is to be very carefully attended to, as the sea rises suddenly on it and breaks tremendously when the Winds are Variable and weather unsettled, and on that account, there are two Cases how to proceed to Oppare, to go on the outside of this Bank, or within it. If the weather is moderate and smooth water you may borrow on the West Head of Tarra within a Cables length, or much less from 7 to 5 fathoms and Steer within the Bank keeping the Heads in One, but on the contrary should you come in from sea, or leave Matavai with North or NE Winds and unsettled weather, then it is only safe for you to cross the bank towards its West End, within less than a half mile from the Entrance of the Harbour, giving yourself a Safe Birth from Oparre Reef.

On each of the Heads of Tarra is a Tree, that on the East Head is of the Toa kind and therefore remarkable the Twigs of the Branches being slender and at a distance may be taken for a Willow. These Trees or the Heads in one give the same direction, whatever therefore is said of one may be understood of the other.

Being now ready to take the Harbour you are to keep the two Trees on the Heads of Tarra in one and pass the entrance, where from the Morai in the direction of S18°W and N18°E the distance is only 75 fathoms between the Reefs and 16 and 17 fathoms water.

As soon as you are within the Morai Points, open the Eastermost Tree but not free all its branches of the Westermost and this will carry you clear of Bounty Rock, where I struck in 9 feet water, between it and the East point of Long Reef which is bold too and may be seen very distinctly in tolerable weather. Here the distance is about 60 fathoms, and after passing it you are to haul in to the Southward and Anchor in 10 fathoms taking care to keep Tarra open with the Morai point, for being shut in there is only 3 fathoms water. But the distance between Bounty Rock and the East End of Long Reef about 60 fathoms being rather too small a space for a stranger to manage, and particularly with a stern mark, I recommend particularly to buoy the East end of Long Reef to which you may almost rubb the ships sides. Bounty Rock lies on a Bank stretching from the Morai point nearly half way to the watering place, full of patches of Coral. At the ending of this Bank the Beach is flat without any wash of the water on it but towards the Morai the Sea has formed a low Bank by beating in there with more violence. Abreast of this flat Beach is the Anchorage unless you go farther up and lay in the upper Harbour or Tettyoorah which is larger and abreast of Oreepyahs House above the River a Ship may haul close to the shore in 3 fathoms water. Between these anchoring places lie two Reefs the outer one next to Long Reef I call mid channel Reef. It can always be seen. The watering place I prefered to make in the middle of the River right across from the flat Beach abreast of the ship, because I considered towards the mouth of the River it was brackish. The distance about 300 yards. There can be no finer water in the World. No Fire Wood can be got but what must be purchased from the Cheif of the District the Wood is on.

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