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Revised May 21 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Matavai and Oparre

Remarks concerning Matavai and Oparre

Perhaps no better description to a Stranger can be given for him to know Matavai Bay, than that the north point of Otaheite forms the East side of it. This point is called Point Venus from the Transit being observed on it in 1769. As the Hills here at this part of the Island terminate towards the Sea with a border of low flat land, so is this plain of Matavai the most extensive of any other, and covered with Trees. The Mainland is very high, and makes in two remarkable mountains, one particularly so from the likeness which the Top of it has to a pair of Horns, and the other from a contrast, being round and regularly formed on the top. These Mountains bear SBE and S½E from the Bay.

One Tree Hill or Tarra as it is called by the Natives is also another mark to know the Bay by, and likewise to lead you clear of the Dolphin Bank.

This Hill lies close to the shore about the height of a Ships Mast Head and has almost a perpendicular Clift to the Sea. The soil of this Hill is red and may lead a Stranger first to discern it, and is free of wood except a Tree or two on each of its Heads both of which are marks for Oparre Harbour.

The entrance into the Bay is either by keeping the Reef which surrounds Point Venus close on board or going to the Westward of the Dolphin Bank and work up into the Bay. To do this I have no other mark than to stand in with the west head of Tarra bearing SBE by Compass and work mostly on the Beach side as the Soundings are gradual, tacking instantly when you stand towards the Bank when you begin to rise the Soundings, and Anchor in 7 or 8 fathoms with Point Venus NNE about ⅓ or ¼ of a mile distant and the end of the Reef NW. The passage between the Reef and the Dolphin Bank however is the most expeditious way of coming in if the Wind is favorable, A Stranger has therefore only to send his Boat on the Point of the Reef and he may sail in by her with the greatest safety.

There is Anchorage in any part of the Bay but off Tarra the ground is foul.

The Dolphin Bank has 2½ fathoms on it in the shoalest part. It is an entire Bed of Coral Rocks.

Water is to be got from Matavai River at the back of the beach, but near Point Venus it is brackish. In heavy Rains the River is very Rapid carries away Trees and overflows all the low land. At these times an opening is made for it on the Beach but a heavy Surf fills it up again, and it takes its most usual run towards Point Venus.

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