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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 17, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Tuesday 17th February 1789

Very Squally and Strong Winds at times. Some Rain. Light Winds with Intervals of fair Weather. Wind ENE and Thermometer 80 and 82. Sick List as yesterday.

Employed at the Forge. A few hands cutting up Wood and two men sawing Plank. Sufficient supplies.

By Tynahs particular desire because there were several people on shore from Tiaraboo and Attahooroo, I fired several four Pounders at the Trees that they might see the effect of the shot. As they carried away many branches it was a show sufficient to collect young men and old to look at.

In the afternoon I was detained at a House a small distance from my Post to see a particular Heivah performed by Women which Iddeeah told me I had never yet seen. I therefore waited the event which was only a wrestling match by the Women of Attahooroo and those of Oparre. The manner of challenging and method of attack is exactly the same as with the men, but they differ from them in every other respect by being as savage as Wild Beasts. Among the many degrees of Violence with which they endeavor to injure one another for life, is what is called gouging (In England but is now I beleive not practiced) this is forcing the Thumb into the socket of the Eye and turning it out. My presence at this time prevented a circumstance of this kind, and as I could find no pleasure in such an amusement, I put an end to it and ordered them to leave off. When I spoke to Iddeeah and other principal people about it that it was a disgrace to them, they laughed at me and said it was "Myty Taheite" it was customery in Otaheite.

The Women not only wrestle among themselves but sometimes with the Men. Iddeeah is said to be very famous.

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