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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 14, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Saturday 14th February 1789

Fresh Breezes and Squally Weather with some showers. Wind NE SE and ENE. Thermometer 80° and 82°.

Employed in the morning cleaning and washing with boiling water to kill Cockroaches and other vermin. A few Hands cutting Wood. This day I received great supplies of Breadfruit and other articles of provisions.

After dinner I accompanied Tynah with his friends to the shore and I agreeably found every thing in its usual way. Three large Hogs ready dressed and a large quantity of Breadfruit were brought to his House. Those he had ordered to be got ready before he went on board, and now gave them to me to present to the different parties which he had already told me of. One was to the Cheif People of Attahooroo, the other to the Erreeoys that were also of that place and the third to the principal performers in the Heivah. I gave them to the different parties as he directed, and they appeared highly pleased and satisfied. I mention this as a handsome thing in the character of Tynah, and several traits of this kind I have found in him before, which upon the whole do away many little partial meannesses that otherwise would be taken notice of.

I have before mentioned that all principal strangers come under Tynahs hospitality, I have now many instances of it and scarce a day passes but he tells me he is obliged to quit me for a little to send provisions to some Friend or other. It is however all done without any ostentation, like a man activated solely with a desire to do good, and altho he has no pomp, yet his good nature and manners rise him above the level of all the Cheifs I have yet seen.

As I make it my study to do every thing for the good of our Friends here, I have therefore to establish peace around them as I consider it their greatest blessing, given Tynah the power of making Friends if possible by presents. In consequence all his late powerful enemies have received presents, saws, shirts and many other things, this however I fear will but whet their inclinations for war as soon as I am gone. He is nevertheless apparently anxious to conciliate their regard in which I am happy to assist.

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