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Revised Jun 9 2021

Bounty Logbook Remarks, Feb. 13, 1789

Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Friday 13th February 1789

Ditto Weather with a few showers of Rain. Wind ENE, SE, SSE and E. Thermometer 80° to 82½°.

Employed at the Forge. Carpenters sawing Plank and Hands cutting Wood. Sick List as yesterday and supplies of all kinds sufficient.

Early this morning I received a Message from Tynah by his Wife to be present at a ceremony of acknowledging me Erree of all Oparre and which was fixed on this day as many people were to be present from Attahootoo. I landed with Iddeeah amidst a great croud of People who were collected on the occasion and as near as I could afterwards compute amounted to Two thousand. When I got to my Post I was met by Tynah and several cheifs, and a Stool was brought to me to sit on. When we were all Seated and I had placed Centinels to keep the Croud without the bounds, three parcels of coarse cloth was brought and Stretched on the ground, during which two Women of Attahooroo were preparing for a Heiva.

These three parcels of cloth were brought as a gift to the Women who should perform for my amusement, and with an inferior cheif at the End of each were supposed to represent all Oparre as contributing their parts to the Diversion.

Each of those Men now made an Harangue by turns, the purport of which was that they acnowledged me Erree of Oparre, as being a very good Friend and adressed me by all the names which Tynah has saying Orah Tynah, Orah Matte, Orah Oreepyah and several others, which is long life to Tynah long life to Matte &c.&c. This being ended (Tynah and Iddeeah having in the mean time assorted a present of many articles I brought on Shore) Tynah directed Iddeeah to attend me and make three several presents with each parcel of cloth to the Heivah women, who by this time were ready to perform. The Ground was covered with a large mat, (as usual) on which they stood, and in their pretty dress so often described. They received the different presents with so much gracefullness that it might have induced a person to have given away all he had. As the Heat of the Sun was very intense I only permitted them to dance but a very short time, which gave much satisfaction, and leaving their dresses on the Matt they retired. About 20 Men now brought forward two long peices of Cloth stained Red in various patterns which were laid at Tynahs and my feet, with a Tahaumee or Breast plate. These were called Marro's in imitation of a famous badge of distinction worn only by the Erreerahigh on very particular occasions. The Dress of the Women were also brought and laid by them. Tynah now desired I would direct one of the Marro's to be taken away for his Brother Oreepyah, and the other for the Eatua, and that I would accept of the Breast plate and the Dress of the Women, which being done, the ceremony ended.

The Marro to Oreepyah was on account of his being the greatest Cheif of Oparre and Brother to Tynah.

The Men now divided, and there was a confused wrestling match which soon after old Otow, Tynahs Father came and desired I would put a stop to. The sagacity of this old Cheif did not counteract what I beleive he foresaw would happen in case they proceeded. There were many strangers here, and not a particle of real friendship between them and Oparre people. Otow was therefore apprehensive they would quarrel, and it realy happened so. In an Instant every man was armed and an Attack begun in a tumultuous Manner. Tynah and Iddeeah were absent, but as soon as they heard of it their first care was about me. Iddeeah came with much fear lest I might be absent from the Post. She had a double covering of Cloth over her and her waist was girded round with a large Rope. I desired her to stay with me and I would defend her. No she said, I am going to Tammy do you remain here and I will come to you as soon as all is over, and away she went.

As I was not certain how far I might be forced to have a hand in the business, I had all the party on shore, which were nine under arms and I had a Boat with seven men under arms lying at a Grapnel fronting the Post. I also sent of[f] word for the ship to be ready to assist us, and in the mean time to fire two Guns without shot in order to disperse the mob.

It however happened very happily that no cheif was concerned, their endeavors therefore were to quell the tumult among their people, and mine to keep my Post clear, which I effectually did, so that all combined to produce peace, which was the Case in an hour.

The Guns had a good effect and Tynah and Iddeeah returning to me with the news that all was settled, we went to some old relations of his that belonged to Attahooroo, and having quieted their mindes we came on board to dinner. I told Tynah and the Cheifs that for the future I would not admitt any wrestling near my Post, and desired they would inform the People of it which they did.

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